
Friday, January 6, 2012

Hot Dog, Hot Dog, Hot Diggity Dog!!!!

Oh my goodness, if this week got any better, I don't know if I could stand it!  First I got nominated for the Versatile blogger and the Liebster awards.  And my students' have been pretty good all week.  Besides the normal yaking anyway!  Then to put a cherry on my already awesome sundae of a week, I won the freakin' mack daddy prize from the awesome New Year's Day giveaway!!!!!!  When I got the comment on my blog I read it over and over again to make sure I was reading it right.  And sure enough, I was the BIG winner!!!  I get to choose 1 item from each of these blogs!

Check these ladies out, they are each awesome!  And a BIG thanks goes out to Mandy over at Mandy's Tips 4 Teachers for having her random number generator select me as her winner!  

In other news, I can tell I and all my other bloggy friends have been back at work.  Ugh!  Do we really have to work, it cuts into my blog time!  The reason we blog, is because we teach, so I guess we must teach :)  I haven't been able to post my usual 1 post daily, but have been reading about all the awesome things you are doing.  Once I get time, I will post some pics of the sweet New Year's door I created thanks to all my awesome friends in blog world.  I have also decided to create a Soil unit to complement/replace the science kit we have in the next 9 weeks.  As soon as it is up, I will let ya know!  

I am lovin' my free Showtime preview and watching ALL  the Twilight movies back to back.  (what is sad, I have them all on DVD!)  All I need is free movies and my laptop and I'm good to go this weekend. 

Anyone getting into anything good this weekend?



  1. How exciting, I'm glad you won that!!! My weekend will be filled with working on my resume and cover letter- no fun! Hope you have a nice weekend! : )

  2. Congrats on winning!! Wish my students were as well behaved as yours the first week back, but I am thinking this crazy weather has something to do with it.

  3. I gave you an award on my blog as well! I LOVE your blog :)

  4. Congrats! I think you should share the prize with me! Just kidding! :) I just added your button to my blog! I love all the sweet comments you write! Thank you!

  5. Lucky you!!!
    I am also loving free Showtime. I went back and forth between the Twilight movies and The Green Mile. :)
    A Teeny Tiny Teacher

  6. Congrats on your win...and THANK YOU for my award and for looking out for me and my win :)


    Fun in Room 4B

  7. This is why I love coming home after being gone all day and getting on my blog! You guys are so sweet! Kelley, I think its against the rules to share that prize with you, but I will send you my Reading Comprehension posters ;)


Twins, Teaching and Tacos

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