
Monday, January 2, 2012

Monday Night = Taco Night!

So with it being the eve before my break officially ends, the one bright spot in my entire day was...
Taco, Taco, Taco Night!  I got to go to Taco Night!!!  (sung to the Village People's, 'Macho Man)

Amber is on the left holding Raegan and I am on the right holding Kenley
I was super excited because Amber, from Adventures of a Third Grade Teacher finally joined me at the world famous Taco Night.  (Note the caps. Its THAT important!)  We had the best time and discovered while enjoying our delicious $1 tacos, that our favorite Dollar Tree store caught fire!!!!  I was planning on hitting it up after Taco Night, but not anymore!  I really hope that the damage was not a lot, but looking at the pics, it didn't look good :(  

Well this Taco lover has got to get to bed soon.  I have been so used to a late bedtime and late rise time.  I dread the alarm clock in the morning and have no idea what condition I even left my classroom in!  I will miss reading your blogs as frequently, but please know, I WILL make time for all my bloggy friends!!!


  1. Good luck tomorrow! I go back as This girl ain't happy! That alarm clock is going to be evil tomorrow morning!


  2. I went back today and even with the wacky break sleep schedule I had the wake up wasn't nearly as bad as I though it would be. Hope you have a great first day back tomorrow!

  3. I'm sorry that you had to go back today Allyce! Thanks for the encouragement for tomorrow, I need it! I'm excited about the New Year activities that I found while blogging and on Pinterest, so at least I have that to keep me going! We need to do another check in tomorrow to make sure we survived!!!!

  4. Poor Dollar Store!!!! Yikes!
    Hooray for Taco Night!
    Good luck tomorrow!!!!
    A Teeny Tiny Teacher

  5. Taco Night = Delish!

    I am still sad about the Dollar Store.

  6. I feel your pain! I don't think my alarm clock and I will ever be friends

  7. I gave you the Versatile Blogger Award! Click on my blog name to go check it out!

    Kinder Kraziness


Twins, Teaching and Tacos

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