
Monday, January 30, 2012

Winner, Winner, Chicken Dinner!

I'm so sorry that I haven't posted the winners of my soil unit until now!  I really appreciate everyone who entered the giveaway and also blogged about it on their own site.  So without further ado, here are the winners chosen using the random number generator:

I have emailed Kelly and Tamera, but Elizabeth, if you read this please send me your email address so
I can send you your prize!  If you didn't win and would like my soil unit, you can pick it up here on my TpT site.

In other news, how many of you LOVE Target as much as I do?  My and my teaching partner, Erica, went on Friday to hit up the dollar bins and man did we rack up!  We got pencils for our kids for VDay and 3 classic novels for my classroom library.  Oh and did you know I'm the new spokesperson for Target??  Check out my first appearance! Total Dork, I know!!

Cute Frog Vday box

My teaching partner, Erica.  She was on an antibiotic that said  'absolutely no alcohol' so she joked that she was going to go home and down the bottle of mouthwash.

These are totally bleeec, but we thought  we would make a joke and tell our principal we were going to  wear these on our Pioneer day!

These are perfect to wear while singing the Writing Workshop song  that Chrissy  at Buzzing with Ms. B shared .

Hope you guys had a great Monday!  It's Taco Night so as soon as I get home, I'll cozy up in bed and read all about your day!!!



  1. Thanks Elizabeth! I teach at Cherryville Elementary-small world, huh? LOL, thanks again!

  2. I am the biggest dork EVA!

    Isn't this EXACTLY what you had to help me with early on when I first started blogging?

    Geesh. I think that I don't have my email accessible on by Blogger profile. Gonna.Change.That.Now.

    Anywho...I'm so glad I won!

    Thanks, Elisabeth!!!


    Fun in Room 4B

  3. oh, duh.


  4. Elizabeth, you are funny! Amber and I just talked about you tonight at Taco Night. She said she had your email haha.

    Amber, NOTHING beats Taco Night!!!!

  5. Aww man! I wish I was the winner!! Maybe next time!!


Twins, Teaching and Tacos

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