
Sunday, January 22, 2012

Workdays are a Teacher's Best Friend

I could get used to working 3 days and having 2 in a row off!  I don't know about my other bloggy friends, but the workday on Friday and the one tomorrow have been the ONLY workdays we have had all year.  They have been a long time coming!  I have my to-do list ready to go (yes, I know only 2 items will get done out of my 100+ list) and am ready to plan up a storm for the 3rd 9 weeks.  I'm sorry that most of you have to work tomorrow :(  But rest assured my day won't be all fun.  I will be sitting in on tutor interviews in the AM with other teachers.  I am really glad that my principal gives us this opportunity, but my list of to-do items won't be getting any shorter!

Last week I went to Classroom Central which is a shop for teachers in Charlotte and Gaston County that is loaded with FREE stuff!  I'm talking pencils, notebook paper, markers, crayons, glue, all the normal fun classroom supplies we all love.  But its more than that, they also have things like brand new paperback books, bulletin board materials, and pocket calendars.  Check out my haul!

24 paperback books for free!!
3 of my 5 bags of freebies I loaded up on!
One thing on my list is adding all my new books to by classroom library.  I have them labeled and ready to go.  

I also am working on a sweet Titanic unit to go with my communities and people change over time Social Studies unit.  I.Love.The.Titanic!  I haven't done this one if about 5 years and I am so excited to bring this unit back.  Be on the look out for it in the next few weeks on TpT.  

I want to leave you with one last thing.  I made math key word posters for addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division.  If you like them, pick up your set on my TpT store, here.

Ohhhhh and don't forget to enter my giveaway for my Soil unit!  The deadline to enter is Friday the 27th.  If you haven't entered, click here.



  1. Seriously....they give away stuff like that? How soon can I move south? That is awesome.

    Following Optimism in 2nd Grade

  2. Wow, that's great! We don't get ANY workdays. We get, like, one at the beginning of the year but we're supposed to plan with our grade levels and they pull us out for meetings and stuff.

    And awesome free stuff!

    Buzzing with Ms. B

  3. Haley, the south is pretty cool :) We would be happy to have to as a transplant!

    Chrissy, We have NONE on next years calendar except for the beginning of the year like you said, so I better enjoy them while I can! I can't get over how the work load keeps growing and the pay stays the same and the time to get it all done continues to get smaller!!!

  4. Charlotte is only 3 hours away :) I live in Virginia just 1 hour north of the NC state line :) Howdy neighbor!

    Following Optimism in 2nd Grade

  5. Whoa looks like you got a lot of great stuff! Hope your work days were successful. Those math posters are adorable! I need to level my classroom library too. Such a big project.

    Apples and Papers

  6. So I finished about half of the things on my list. Ugh. Never enough time!

  7. We are finally eligible for classroom central! We are going next month :)

    Thanks so much for all the stuff you emailed!

  8. Haley, when we have a meetup, you should come! I am very jealous of all these boggers that are meeting up!

    Amber, I finished like 2 things super UGH!

    Cassie, No problem :) I can't wait to go back to Classroom Central!!!!

  9. Jessica, I took one whole summer working on my library! It was a HUGE project. Now that it is set up, I just label the books and give them to my classroom librarian and he puts them away.


Twins, Teaching and Tacos

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