
Thursday, March 22, 2012

So Close To A Giveaway!!!!!!!

I've been sitting at around 90ish followers for a few weeks now and have been waiting to hit the 100 followers mark and were getting super close ladies and gents!!!!!!  I am thinking up a super sweet giveaway once the last person crosses over to the dark side twin/taco side and becomes a member of my cult  my blog!!!  I'm super excited and hopefully by this time tomorrow I'll be posting an actually giveaway and not just a tease for a giveaway!

Oh yea National Boards are still kicking my rear!!!!  I promise in 2 weeks I'll be back to regular posts and making cutesy things.  First up will be the Titanic Unit!!!!!  Who's excited about it in 3D
 This girl!!!! ~~~~~~~~~ >Photobucket


  1. You are soo close now! 99! One more to go girly!

  2. I'm following you now! Did you get to 100? :)

  3. I am your 100TH FOLLOWER! Congratulations! Hope you have a great day.
    - Amanda
    Inspired in Second

  4. I`m a new follower! I`m almost at 100 followers too! Stop by and help me out!

    Kaleigh's Klassroom

  5. Everyone loves a giveaway! Super cute blog! I am your newest follower. Come visit my blog sometime! :)
    Hello Mrs Sykes

  6. I am a new follower!! Your blog is so cute! I would love for you to come check out my blog when you get the chance!

    The First Grade Dream

  7. Girl you are at 111, you need to get this giveaway going! haha!

  8. Thanks guys for pushing me over the edge! National Boards is due this week, and I haven't been on here all weekend :( I will try to find time to post the giveaway today, but no promises!!!! I'm BEYOND stressed!!!!

    Twins, Teaching, and Tacos


Twins, Teaching and Tacos

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