
Sunday, May 20, 2012

UGH....Testing, Round 2

So we got our testing results in on Friday and let's just say I had some highs and some lows. Math rocked, but reading left some to be desired.  My kids worked so hard and they did out perform last year's results, but I guess I set my own reading bar high and unattainable.   Can I just say I HATE THESE FREAKING TESTS  there has to be a better way to assess kids.  The reading comprehension test consists of reading 8 passages and answering questions during a 2-3 hour testing session.  How many of us would be able to do that??????  I know I don't switch between 6 different genres in a 2 hr period of reading.

So this week we have to remediate those that didn't quite make proficiency and then retest EACH AND EVERY TEST again...UGH!!!!!

The worst part of this whole cycle, is that I have a couple kids who were 1 point from making the score they needed and they were devestated to know that even though they busted their butts, they have to do the whole thing over again.  My heart breaks for them!

So excited to get this done and over with so my kids can enjoy their last two weeks of 3rd grade.  Oh yea, in other news, I have applied for a literacy teaching position and have an interview tomorrow.  Still not completely sure if I'm ready to leave the classroom, but couldn't pass up the opportunity.  We shall see what happens :)

Hold on tight, Monday's coming fast!!!!!!


  1. I can't believe you have to retest. That's so stupid.

    Good luck at the interview. I'll say a little prayer for you!


    Fun in Room 4B

    1. Thanks girlie! Retesting does suck and its ineffective! Back before budget cuts, kids had to retest a third time after summer school. Thanks for the prayer, it would be a change, but might be good with my girls being so young.

  2. Good luck tomorrow! Call me after! Or tell me about it at taco night!

    Oh and what kills me about the kids that were so close, is that when we get the "final" scores, they probably will be considered a 3 anyway.

    Oh, NC.....

    Adventures of a Third Grade Teacher
    Adventures of a Third Grade Teacher

  3. love your background so your newest follower..drop by

    Just Wild About Teaching


Twins, Teaching and Tacos

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