
Friday, June 8, 2012

Summer...We Meet Again!

Today was the last day of school FINALLY!!! It was a bittersweet day.  I am ready for summer, but wasn't ready to let this bunch go.  They have been one of the best groups I have worked with.  It was an emotional day full of water works, but I won't bore you with the details of that.  This week was one huge blur, but I want to share some of what went on.  Monday we had Field Day and Water Day.  It was a blast!

Tire Roll

Awesome Mid Air Jump!

Check out that form!

Tug Of War...We beat my teammate, Erica's Class! That was the highlight of the day.  

Tuesday was Minute to Win It Classroom edition.  The kids had been reading Harry Potter and were sorted into their houses, so we let them compete by house.  They had the best time.

Breakfast Scramble

This Blows

Elephant Walk

Thursday I planned a school wide Carnival to celebrate all the success the kids have had this year.  It was Ah-Mazing!!!!!  The kids had the best time and were very well behaved, especially for the day before the last day.

We had a dunk tank where teachers volunteered to get dunked by their students.  Those who met the state standard in their assessments were able to have a shot at dunking our awesome principal.  Isn't she awesome????

Our wonderful custodian even got in the mix by allowing kids to pie him in the face!

Spray Away Game

I also found out today that I will not be returning to my classroom next year.  I have accepted a job as an instructional facilitator in my district.  I will be working at a different school helping teachers implement the new common core.  I am excited for this new opportunity, but am sad to leave my classroom.  

Also, don't forget about my sale I'm having at my TpT and TN Stores.  My giveaway closes out Sunday.  I'm giving my everything in my store away, so you want to enter!!!!!
Happy Weekend Everyone!!!!!!


  1. I LOVE YOU!!!! :)

  2. Welcome to summer vay-cay :) Your principal is awesome!


    Fun in Room 4B

  3. Happy Summer! Where did you get the minute to win it ideas??

  4. I found them on Pinterest and the Minute to Win It site on NBC. They have all the video instructions on there. It was super easy and fun! And Thank you for your sweet comments about my blog. Don't worry, I'm going to be blogging more than ever now :)

  5. You did such fun things in your classroom to end the year! You're going to be amazing in your new job! Congratulations!


Twins, Teaching and Tacos

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