
Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Its HAWT and Currently

That's right you didn't read it wrong, its HAWT (hot for those of you not suffering in the heat)  These triple digit heat days are doing me and the twins in!  We got a break today, only 98, gee thanks!  I know I shouldn't be complaining because there are worse things happening around the world, but I feel like I am going to melt into a giant puddle and I can't help but think about the movie, Divine Secrets of the Ya-Ya Sisterhood.

Any of you remember this????  Please know that me and the twins are all keeping our clothes on, just staying in the house!

Anywho, I LOVE Farley's Currently and her new rule of 3 is a keeper!  I love the idea of showing the love to other bloggers and meeting new bloggy friends to stalk follow!

So I am pumped for my new role as an Instructional Facilitator, but dang its now JULY I have got to get my learn on!!!  (insert anxious face here!)

My go to read aloud every year is Stone Fox.  It is an amazing story of Little Willie who lives with his grandfather and his dog Searchlight.  Grandfather hasn't paid his taxes and Willie enters a dogsled race to try and win $500 to save the farm.  It is a short read, it should be on your list :D

My professional book that I re-read EVERY summer is Guiding Readers and Writers by Fountas and Pinnell.  When I first decided to move into the Reading Workshop framework over 5 years ago, I found this laying around my school and took it home over the summer.  It changed my whole reading program in my classroom.  I find that with each new summer I find something else I can change or tweak.  

I'm off to complete the rule of 3!  Hope everyone is staying cool :)


  1. I am so excited to find your blog! I am a 5th grade teacher from Missouri. My sister just had a baby and her name is Elisabeth as well.

    Happy Tuesday!

    1. Yay! Glad you are following! I know 2 others with the name Elisabeth/Elizabeth here too! Heading over to check out your blog now :)

  2. Isn't that the conundrum with summer? All that free time, but it it too darn it outside! Here's hoping you have a nice, cool house to play with those twins of yours. :)

    1. Girl, we are trying to stay cool! The twins LOVE to be outside, thats a problem when its 100+ degrees!

  3. Elisabeth, I have given you the Liebster Blog award! Head on over to my blog and grab your award!


    All Things Teachery

  4. I love Stone Fox too. =)

    I Love My Classroom

  5. I found your blog through Currently!! I hope you guys are staying cool! I am your newest follower!

    BakingCraftingTeaching Oh My

  6. I just LOVE your blog! I also LOVE tacos!!! My family makes fun of me because I only know how to cook tacos!! I am your newest follower~~thanks for being a follower of my blog!
    Third Grade Love

    1. Glad you found me! We go to Monday Night Taco night each week at a local place that has $1 tacos each Monday! Can't beat it!

  7. Haywood~ Just so you know I love your blog! I am reading my way through GRandW as soon as I finish up The Daily 5. I am sure we will need to have book club over the summer... and fall and winter to discuss such items. I am still holding First 5 Days for ransom! R

  8. Hurry up and finish Daily Five so I can borrow! I am not buying one until I see if my lovely NEW school has one for me :D We will be having extended book clubs all year! I am going to miss you incredibly, words can't even describe :(

  9. Those are two of my favorite books too! I read Stone Fox to my third graders every year, and it gets to me every time. I was reading your "About Me" post and saw that you went to ASU for your master's. I am currently going there (online) for my master's in instructional technology. I love Boone!

    Love your blog!


  10. Elisabeth!

    Love your blog! Thanks for coming to check out my new blog. I am now your newest follower. Your new position sounds exciting. I bet you will do a fabulous job!!



Twins, Teaching and Tacos

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