
Monday, August 6, 2012

I Can Statements, Currently and A Suprise!

Woop Woop it is Monday and that means Taco Night!!!  I know many of you must be thinking, "doesn't she get tired of tacos??" The answer is NO!!!!

I didn't think I was ever going to finish my 2nd grade Common Core Math statements!  I would sit down to try and work on them and I would get busy checking facebook, email, playing games online, watching TV, texting  doing other things.  I am happy to say they are FINALLY FINISHED!

You can pick these up for free at either my TpT or TN 

I am also linking up with Farley for her infamous Currently.  I always look forward to her Currently and am loving her new rule of 3 spreading the love to other bloggers.  I have met so many new bloggy friends through her linky.  

 So my B2S must haves are pretty self explanatory.  I LOVE Sharpie Poster Markers for making anchor charts.  Thanks to my teammate, Erica, I will never use another marker when making a poster!  My 2nd must have is Guiding Reader's and Writer's by Fountas and Pinnell.  It is my go to book each summer to refresh my reading and writing workshop.

My last must have is Stikki Clips.  I used to get so frustrated when I used tape and things would be laying all around my classroom the next day.  Enter Stikki Clips and I never had to deal with things falling off my wall again!  

I have had several bloggers email me and ask about how I implemented Reading Workshop in my classroom.  I decided to have a series on my blog devoted to the ins and outs of Reading Workshop.  I will have a linky with each post where bloggers can link back to their own ideas about the topic.  I thought this would be a great way to share ideas as we get ready to start back to school!

Look for my first session in this series, setting up your classroom library, this week!


  1. I would link up right after you! haha! :) I need a haircut too girl.

    I love the series! :)

    Adventures of a Third Grade Teacher

  2. I finally did it! Opened the TN store. Can you email me? I can't find your email. Mine is


    Kathy's Coordinated Class

  3. I can't live without those stickki clips, either.

  4. I desperately need a haircut too! I am a big fan of the Sharpie poster markers!! :)
    Learning Is Something to Treasure

  5. I always wait until the last possible time to get my B2S hair cut so it's the freshest. I haven't tried the Sharpie poster markers ~ I usually use the Mr. Sketch markers. I'll have to try the Sharpies.

  6. Thanks for the Reading Workshop link ups! We're implementing the Reading Model at my new school this year and I will be back to look through your ideas! I also love your blog name & just had to come follow you.

    Come follow me too! :)
    Little Miss Glamour Goes to Kindergarten

  7. Found your through the Currently linky. I am a new follower. I also love watching Olympics this summer. It's been on an awful lot at our house too. Come check out my blog when you have some spare time.



Twins, Teaching and Tacos

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