
Saturday, August 18, 2012

What a Week!

This week has been a doozy!  I had my first "real" week at my new school in my new role, and it is different. I am really going to enjoy it, but it is very strange to not be setting up a classroom.  I have been so busy helping make sure my teachers have every thing they need to start school that I come home and crash every night by 8pm!  (sometimes before!!!!)  I'm sorry I have neglected to update :(

To make up for it, I have a suprise!!  I have finished my K,1, and 2 Common Core I Can Statements for Math and ELA!  

 Each grade level pack gives you two choices of subject header cards and the I Can Statements for Math and ELA.  You can head over to my TpT or my TN to pick yours up.

To make up for leaving you high and dry for a week, I will give the first three people who leave a comment a free pack!  Make sure you leave your grade level and email.  


  1. It's been my first week back as well with the kiddos though, and I'm in bed at 8 too....what a long week :)
    Great Common Core I can Pack!!

  2. Glad you Are enjoying your new position! I'm teaching first this year! And can't wait!

  3. Oh yay! Am I number 3? LOL

  4. My first week back as well.
    I teach 2nd!


Twins, Teaching and Tacos

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