
Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Whirlwind, Freebies, and Camping, Oh My!

WOW!  I am beginning to think I am never going to recover from week 1!!!!  I have not
even had the energy to blogstalk, pin things on Pinterest, or look at all the fab new things my fave sellers have at TpT and TN!!!  Oh yea, the first week of school just kicked my butt!!  I have been coming home daily and crashing and not moving off the couch or the bed until the next morning.

I am LOVING my new job as an Instructional Facilitator.  Using the bathroom when I want, having lunch alone(no kids spitting on my food, hovering over me) and I have more time to spend with my twins.  Don't get me wrong, I am busy, but there isn't the same pressure to have everything ready for the kiddos the next day.  Check out this cute treat I made for my teachers!
I got this cute graphic from Pinterest (before starting work!)

As I have been busy getting things ready for my teachers, I have a few freebies to give you.  First, I have a Daily Five choice bookmark.  I created it for my teachers because they wanted to choose which Daily Five rotations their kids attended daily.  It also includes Meet with Teacher, which allows for you to have guided reading as a choice.
Click the pic to pick yours up!

 The second freebie is Word Wall Cards for 1st grade.  These include math, reading, science and social studies words for first grade.  If you want them click here to pick them up.

Over the holiday weekend, we went camping with our extended family and some close friends.  We tent camp and had the best time relaxing in a hammock, creek stomping, and catching up on my Kindle reading.  I will post more pics when I get the energy to get up and look for the camera cord.  Enjoy these few for now!
 My girls the morning of our camping trip.  They get the lazy idea!

Our weekend home!  It did rain, but it was ok!

I'm off to catch up on my 1,000 plus on Google Reader!  At least tomorrow is Wednesday!


  1. They are really a cutie!I am very glad you shared such page. Nice to see such cute kids.


  2. So, I am not the only one exhausted?? Soooo glad I found your Blog! CLEVER TITLE!!! Stop by anytime! SMILES!

  3. You are too sweet to make that for the teachers!! I miss I taught with you!


Twins, Teaching and Tacos

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