
Sunday, November 11, 2012

Beyond Blessed!

So many of you know that I changed jobs this year and it hasn't always been the easiest transition.  When I applied for this job, God told me it was the right time, but over this year, there have been plenty of times I thought, 'what am I doing here??'  Well I got my answer Friday!  My daughter, Raegan is having cranial surgery on Wednesday and I have been telling my staff that I will be out for 2 weeks.  I have been busy prepping stuff for them while I am out.  I had no idea they were busy planning things of their own!  My Kindergarten teachers created 2 baskets full of things for us while we are at the hospital!  I was so overwhelmed that I cried right there!  They put in snacks and toys and a movie.  All kinds of things that we could need/want!  My First grade team and office staff also made a HUGE bag full of goodies.  Magazines and word searches, lots of munchies and my principal even baked a cake for us!

I have been blessed beyond words by the kindness of these ladies!  I had no idea why God put me at this school or in this position, but now I know.  I needed them to uplift me during this difficult time in my life.  I should know by now that God knows everything, but I am still amazed at how He works.

My awesome church family have also been unbelievable.  Lots of cards and unexpected blessings.  In honor of all God has blessed me with, I am having a sale at my TpT!  Enjoy 20% off now through Wednesday.

If you remember, please lift up a prayer for my sweet Raegan on Wednesday as she will have her cranial surgery.
This is my sweet first born (by 3 minutes!).  Her smile makes me melt and her laugh fills me with unspeakable joy.

 I love this blogger community and appreciate all who will pray :)


  1. How amazing! Your post brought tears to my eyes. What an awesome bunch of people that God has brought into your life! Your daughter is so precious! Reagan and your family are in my prayers!


    1. Thank you Krista! My family appreciate your prayers :)

  2. Sending my thoughts and prayers! :)

  3. I will be keeping you and your family in my prayers! My guess would be that your teachers know how hard you work for and with them so they wanted you and your family to know they love you! I am sure you are awesome...sometimes I wish my school qualified for extra help. Please keep us posted on how things go! Kelly

  4. May God keep your darling in a protective hug during her surgery. You'll take over once she is in recovery.

  5. Oh girl! I am so sorry you are having to face this! Your family will be in my prayers and my thoughts with be with you on Wednesday! God bless you and Raegan!
    Timeouts and Tootsie Rolls

  6. Prayers for you and your family and especially your baby girl! Hoping all goes well...and what a great staff you have!

  7. Looks like the big day was yesterday. I pray that all went well!

    Your newest follower,
    Fifth in the Middle


Twins, Teaching and Tacos

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