
Sunday, December 30, 2012

Best and Brightest of 2012

I love a good linky, so I was thrilled to see Christina Bainbridge's 2012's Blog Best and Brightest in my reader while I was catching up on my fav blogs.  (There are over 1,000 in there!!! Someone has been neglecting their reader!) I began my blogging adventure as a requirement for a tech leader program in my district during the summer of 2011, but wasn't 'feeling it' until late 2011.  I have loved learning new things as a blogger and have grown leaps and bounds as an educator because of the journey.

Here are my blog's best and brightest!

Best Thing I did
I opened my TPT store in 2012!  I have to admit, I must have been hiding under a rock, because prior to that, I had only heard about TPT in passing.  I joined in late 2011, but didn't officially 'open' my store until Jan. 2012.  I had my first sale on Jan. 1 :)  It was the best thing I could have ever done!  TPT helped out with the twin's birthday and Christmas.  It is now growing our new Disney fund!  Can't wait to head there in the spring!!!

Best Post
Looking back at my bloggy year, my best post has to be My Heart Will Go On!  It was a post I did right after our day aboard the Titanic.  It was a great day and I love looking back at how much fun it was.  I absolutely love the Titanic and enjoyed seeing how excited my students were to learn about it.

Best Products
This leads me into my favorite product of 2012....My Titanic Lapbook!  It was neat to have an actual passenger who traveled on the Titanic for each of my students to become during our unit.  It was fun to make, and have gotten feedback that other's are enjoying it in their classrooms!

My most popular product is my Soil unit. It was one of my first products I created back in January.  I was and am still super proud of this product.  


Best Freebie Shared
I created a Reading Comprehension poster set and posted my Making Connections poster from this set as a freebie.  It was my most downloaded product and one that many of the teacher friends in my district ask for.

Best Bloggy Friends
This year has been a great year of many new bloggy friends!  I loved going to the Carolina Blogger Meetup and meeting so many bloggers I felt like I had 'known' for the past year.  Here are a few:

Amber is my # 1 bloggy supporter and real life friend!  We began this adventure together and couldn't imagine it without her.  I love getting together with her and bouncing ideas off her.  She has great ideas that she uses in her classroom.  

Elizabeth was one of my very first bloggy friends who I actually met while at our Carolina Blogger Meetup.  What a night Amber and I had with her!  Note: Wine and bloggers make for an interesting night!  She has always been so supportive of me and sends me positive vibes.  Her products and blog are amazing!
Buggy for 2nd Grade
Kelly is another of my very first bloggy friends.  Even though I have never met her in person, I feel like I know her.  Her blog is super cute!  She always stops by to leave nice comments.
Amanda is a jem and I absolutely LOVE her!  I will never forget one of the first giveaways I won was for one of her products.  I had a hard time choosing between 2, so she sent me BOTH! I was sold on her from then on :)  Over the past few months have gotten to know her better and my opinion remains the same!

Head over to Christina's blog to link up your own Best and Brightest!

Here's to 2012!


  1. Awe! Thanks for the shout out! I love your soil unit you gave me!! You are super sweet! I hope you are having a great winter break!

  2. Thanks for linking up! I haven't seen your blog before, so I'm excited to check it out... love the look of your Titanic activities. Kids are SO into that... and me too!!!

    *Bunting, Books, and Bainbridge*

  3. No one shall speak of too much wine :)

    1. I had some yummy wine last night and thought of you :)

  4. Your Titanic idea sounds like lots of fun. I bet your kids enjoyed it!


Twins, Teaching and Tacos

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