
Thursday, February 21, 2013

Wicked Weather, Technology Fun and a Freebie!

This weather is Cray-Cray!  Here in the good ol' NC we usually have a Winter season that involves a few good snows (by southern standards). It is nothing like your northern peeps who are still digging out!!!  We have had the craziest Winter this year.

 Here is a sample week: Monday 65, Tuesday 32 snowy, Wednesday 70, Thursday 45, Friday 60.  OK so maybe it isn't as bad as I put out there, but it has been a rollercoaster of temperatures.  Because of this I have been deathly ill sick for the past 2 weeks.  I am finally getting it over, but it has been slow going!  My girls both had a sinus infection last week when I took them to the Dr.  As if that wasn't bad enough, Raegan had a double ear infection and Kenley had an eye infection.  Now they are calling for MORE WINTER WEATHER!!!!!!  Stop the madness!!!!

In other teachery news, I have had a great week.  Let's hope Friday doesn't ruin it!  I completed a guided reading model for one of my newer teachers and it was so awesome to get back to teaching.  I showed her how to add the 5 domains of reading (phonemic awareness, phonics, vocabulary, fluency, reading comprehension) to each group lesson and still keep it at 15 min.  She was way impressed at what she could  accomplish.  Success!!!

This week at our staff meeting our Tech Facilitator showed us how we could use an activity called Paper Slide in retelling across the curriculum.  We used the NC Essential Standards for 1st grade for Plants.  She gave us a poem that discussed the parts of the plant.  We then each drew a "slide" on paper that represented a part of the plant.  Using a digital camera, we created a creative way to retell the main points of what we read.  It should have sound, but it doesn't, so you can make it up as it's playing!  What a cool way to retell!!


I am also working on a new St. Patty's Day Math Games pack.  It might should be done next week!!  It will include subitizing tasks, one to one correspondence, Number and Addition Bump and who knows what other games.  In the mean time, I have a freebie to share with you!  Please enjoy Initial Sound Go Fish.

Head over to my TpT or TN to pick this freebie up!


  1. What a great freebie that I can put to use as soon as I print it! Thanks.

    Extra Special Teaching

  2. Great freebie!! I have been out of school the past two days because we got over a foot of snow!!!


Twins, Teaching and Tacos

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