
Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Monday Made It...On Wednesday!

Yes you read the title of this post correct, and no, we are not going back to Monday, I am just late the game...again! I have so many crafty projects I want to do this summer, so I am super sad that this is the last week in June! Where is my summer going???

One of my favorite things about summer is Tara's Monday Made It posts!  I love seeing everyone's craftiness.

This week's project was made for my IRL and bloggy BFF Amber over at Adventure's of a Third Grade Teacher. It was her birthday and of course we had a party!!!

What is something that all teachers like??? School Supplies!! I whipped up this super easy post it note holder. Get a plastic picture frame, cut scrap booking paper to fit, glue a pad of sticky notes on and done! Easy peasy!

What have you been working on? Link up with Tara!


  1. I love those! I have pinned it somewhere I think but have yet to make one. They turned out cute!
    Third Grade Tidbits

  2. You are so creative! I hope Amber had a super birthday!
    Well Wishes to You All!!!

    Teaching with Twins!


Twins, Teaching and Tacos

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