Julie wrote:
"I don't know about best but for most hilarious a few years ago I went out to dinner with a bunch of my friends. My dear friend had her little one, who was 2 at the time with her. He was sitting in my lap when they brought out a birthday dessert for me. Everyone started singing to me and he started crying his eyes out!"
Andrea wrote:
"The best birthday memory is my fourth grade sleepover party. We had a bunch of fun!"
I remember each and everyone of my birthday parties as a child! My most memorable one was my 10th birthday. New Kids on the Block were super hot then and my mom made me a cake with a design of them on it! I also got my very own Joe doll!!! Life.Was.Good!
Thanks to Gina, who donated her awesome Adjective Comparison unit yesterday.
Thanks to Gina, who donated her awesome Adjective Comparison unit yesterday.
Today's giveaway comes from one my very first bloggy friends Elizabeth from Fun in Room 4B. She is a doll and I absolutely adore her! She is giving away her Test Prep Lapbook!

Awe, thanks for the sweet words!! Happy birthday week, girl :)