I am the student council adviser at my school and we decided it would be neat to have our student council election on the actual election day. For the past few weeks I have had students creating posters and speeches and "getting their name out". Today was the culmination of all their hard work. I videotaped each candidate and loaded them on our school webpage and then the voting began.
Over the weekend, my teammate found on Pinterest (isn't it everyone's new fav?) the sweet voting booth. As soon as I saw it, I had to have it! We called our local Lowe's Hardware and requested a freezer box. We covered it with bulletin board paper and cut a door in it. I had a cute ballot box from a previous unit that we used inside our booth. I knew my third graders would love it but I was very surprised at how many fifth graders kept getting inside my booth.
While the voting booth wasn't necessary, it definitely helped increase their excitement!! Overall, I feel that my students have a better understanding of what an election is and how much hard work it takes to be a candidate. They also really thought about which candidates would do the most for the student body.
Look for the Voting Booth to making another appearance during my government unit in a few months!

My students and I in front of our voting booth
Making sure she voted for the best candidate!
Our voting booth is awesome!!!!! Go us!