I have been super busy with some awesome lessons at school that I have to share with you. We finished up our Social Studies series on the Titanic and had a local expert come in and share her artifacts with our third graders. I was so excited when Dr. Ratchford agreed to come and talk to our kiddos. She is a professor at one of our local colleges and I know how busy she must be! She had them eating out of the palm of her hand! What was really cool was the fact that she told stories about 3 real people from the Titanic and we had studied 2 of them and the kids that 'became' them for the 2 weeks were beside themselves with excitement!
Check out this awesome life jacket from that her husband purchased for her from the movie Titanic!
Actual piece of coal from the Titanic! I am actually touching a piece of history!!!!! How cool is that?!???!?!?!? Dr. Ratchford visited the crash sight several years ago and go this while on the trip.
This is a copy of a newspaper that was found folded up in a suitcase and brought to the surface 85 years later. You can't see it from this picture, but besides a few water spots, it is in excellent condition. I could even read several of the articles!!!!!
Replica third class silverware. Sorry for the glare, darn flash!
Our next SS adventure took us to the Biltmore House! I told ya'll about this awesome trip I'd been planning since October and I can't believe that it was finally time to actually go!! I have been a few times myself and once as a child in elem school, but never get over the grandeur of the house. And to think that this super rich guy decided to build it right here in NC! Crazy! When we talked about how the largest house in America was located in our state my kids were blown away.
It was so foggy the morning we arrived it reminded me of a scary movie!
Getting ready to go inside
Private Promenade. I told the kids I would wait here while they toured the house!
I loved how all the down spouts had dragons on them. We learned an interested fact that Gargoyle means gargle in french some other language and that is why people put Gargoyles on their houses back then and used them as rain spouts. They shoot water away from the house from the roof. However, the Biltmore House had gutters, so the Gargoyles were simply decoration.
In front of one of the impressive Lion statues. One of my kiddos tried to get on the lion.
View from the Courtyard
It was a gorgeous day to tour!
My little lovelies in front of my future home the Biltmore
Inside the Winter Garden. Boy was it HOT in there!
Backside view coming from the gardens
Check out the awesome spiral staircase. There is also a staircase along the outside that follows that on the inside.
Saw this on the way home! Couldn't believe it was a complete rainbow, perfect end for a perfect day!
The next unit I am working on and supposed to be starting tomorrow is government. I got nothing for this one and am asking all you out there in blog world to steer me near any good ideas you have seen! Need lots of help because my boards are driving me bananas and have no time for anything else!
I did however go to Jesus Camp AKA Emmaus this weekend and have some much needed time with God. It is amazing how he works, isn't it? He always knows just what I need. I spent a great weekend fellowshipping with some wonderful ladies and a handful of guys. I didn't realize how hard my heart had become. I hope to begin each day reading about how much God loves me so I don't soon forget!
Extra bonus, it was Monday Night Taco Night tonight!!!!!! Always love a good Taco Night. We had mexican last night too! Wonder how many times we will have it this week?????

Gosh, isn't the Biltmore beautiful?! I love all of your Titantic "stuff", too. All of Dr. Ratchford's artifacts are great!
Fun in Room 4B
Good luck with your boards! The field trip looked so awesome. I have always wanted to tour the Biltmore mansion.
ReplyDeleteHave a great week!