Amber from Adventures of a Third Grade Teacher dropped in the frosting for our lava cake!
This cake was made in the microwave in 10 min! Shut the front door!!!! It was moist and delicious.
Fresh Salsa made in the Mannual Food Processor
Power Cooking!!!!!
We used the Simple Slicer to create these yummy Pesto Pizzas. I'm here to tell you, eating one isn't an option!
I started a Pampered Chef group on FB to share these yummy and quick recipes. What is your go to product???
Thanks to all who entered my Lucky Numbers giveaway! The Winners are Tamera and Aimee!! Congrats ladies, I am sending your prize to you!
Well I'm heading off to see Lucy Calkins after church in Columbia, SC with Amber and some other teacher friends! I am so excited I can't wait!!! Are any of you going to be there? If so, we could have an impromptu Blogger Meetup!

Across the Hall in 2nd Grade
What's the name of the FB page where I can find these yummy looking recipes. I have several PC products and don't use them because I don't know what to cook! HELP!!!
Casey, I would love to have you in my PC group! If you friend me on FB I can add you in. Also, I have several ecookbooks for some products that I could send you. I have them for several pieces of stoneware, the deep covered baker. My fb name is Elisabeth Howell Haywood