I have been using anchor charts for a few years now, but this year I am really into them. I have some awesome new sharpie poster markers that really help the posters pop! (thanks to my awesome teammate, Erica!) To help my students really understand a skill I am teaching, I find that if I draw pictures that go with the text, they seem to grasp the concept better. The only problem is...I am a HORRIBLE artist! My kids know that I am not very confident, but continue to tell me that I'm doing a good job. (its so sweet of them to lie!) I am using these anchor charts in both reading and writing workshop. After we finish using them in our weekly lessons, I move them to an open wall in our classroom to allow students to access them all year long.

This is my first year doing the writing workshop, and it is a brand new learning experience for me! I am constantly learning new things about myself as a writing instructor. I am a great writer, but find that it is one of the most difficult things to teach. The workshop model has been a great help with that. The anchor charts are there to help students remember the key points of the lesson taught that day. This helps me and my students recall what was taught on any specific day.

If you haven't use anchor charts in your classroom before, I encourage you to do so in the near future. Let me know if you have questions, or need resources, I am always happy to share!
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Twins, Teaching and Tacos