I presented Professional Development for Pearson Math Investigations today for 3-5 and it is so awesome to work in a district that values PD and allows for time for it during our instructional day.
Today was a day without kids for all teachers. Our Curriculum Facilitators created sessions that covered all topics of curriculum and teachers chose different sessions to attend and then would report back to their schools and share out in PLCs.
Our workshop began at 8:30, so I got there at 7:30 to get "mentally prepared". Normally this is plenty of time, but today was different. Our session was held at the local community college, which we use often for PD. I went to the room we were assigned to and discovered that we had not been given 2 rooms (1 for k-2 and 1 for 3-5) This was a BIG oopsie! We stood around and waited for the custodians to help us find a room, this.did.not.happen. Finally our Curriculum Facilitator told us to walk to another building and we took over a room!!! We did not pass go. We did not collect $200, we just took over the room!
When we got into our newly acquired room there was a partition in the middle that needed to be closed. Our session began at 8:30 with roughly 150 people and the partition was WIDE OPEN until at least 9:30! Talk about loud! We had all 6 grade levels going on at one time-two words-
After the sessions teachers grabbed lunch and then came back for their PLC debriefs. This is where my Mary Poppins moment came in! I told my teams I would be coming around to touch base with them and hear about their day. I started with 2nd and they were awesome. Each teacher shared out what they had learned at their session and discussed new things they thought the team could implement. My 2nd grade team has it going on! They shared with me that they were ahead of most others in their sessions and they told me how much they appreciated all my hard work during the first half of the year! I have been wishing and hoping and thinking and praying (yep another song for ya!)for this day for a LONG time!
Next, I went to visit 1st grade. They were talking about using nonfiction text within shared reading. They shared a site that was new to me National Geographic Young Explorers
It is great for getting your content standards with the new ELA CCSS. I also had a great compliment from a member of this team. I didn't realize that all I did was appreciated by my teachers, but one of them told me that while they were at their session today other teachers began complaining about not having any time to gather resources. My teacher told them that her Instructional Facilitator (me) gathered all kinds of resources and was super helpful! Not only did my teacher notice what I have been doing for them, she shared it with someone at another school! How cool is that!
While I was working with my 1st grade team, my new principal (have I mentioned how awesome she is!) came and asked me to come to K. They were discussing balanced literacy and our new Fountas and Pinnell Phonics program. I listened and contributed to the discussion then the convo shifted to writing. They are beginning a new unit of study and were concerned about how to begin. I offered to come and do a model for them, and they were thrilled to have me come!!!! This was another Mary Poppins moment! We continued discussing curriculum and then my principal and I went back to my room for a debrief of the day.
She complimented me on all the teachers were able to achieve through my leadership in curriculum. It was a huge compliment, as just a few months ago I was doubting myself daily. Sometimes hourly Then she told me something that I never expected. When she came and got me from my 1st grade meeting, the K teachers asked her to come and get me!!!!! I was asked for!
I know the old saying is good things come to those who wait, and this day and the way it made me feel, were all worth the wait! And for those of you who hung with me through this super long post, are being rewarded as well!!! I have included my Reading and Writing Conference Sheets. Just click on the pic below to download yours.
Tomorrow I will be dropping my new Weather Lapbook with a giveaway you don't want to miss!!!
What was your Mary Poppins moment today?
These conference notes are getting laminated and put in my binder. Thanks for breaking it down- this would be such a great resource for new teachers and it's really going to help me focus my WW conferences, especially!
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