This month we have been working on the Life App of Determination. I have been 'playing' a runner training for a triathlon. Well today was the culmination of all my
Yes that is me wearing leggings, Soffe shorts, running shoes, my Kidzpointe shirt and a sweatband! The hubs took this pic while I wasn't paying attention...darn him!!! I warned all my church peeps that if they saw me this AM I wasn't a freak, just dressing a part. They all assured me, I was a freak, and it was ok! Man, what nice friends I have. After that, I decided my new theme song would be 'Superfreak' by Rick James (Don't lie, you know your singing it!)
Onto the Triathlon! First up was swimming. I put on a face mask and jumped into a baby pool to simulate my swim.
The script specifically said "look ridiculous " I was doing the freestyle, then changing it up with the doggie paddle and finishing up with the backstroke. Swimming standing up, in a pool, on hardwoods, is HARD!!!! The pool was sliding all over the place and I almost bit the dust a few times! After swimming, I had to chug cups of water, slam the cups on the ground, eat orange quarters, throw the rinds down! Can you picture it????
Next up was the bike ride which was on this baby! Well maybe not this exact bike, but one like it.
I had a banana seat bike growing up, and you would think I could ride it, but that was not the case! I had to wheel around the room hitting my knees with every peddle all while downing squeezable applesauce (it represented power gel, whatever that is!) After wheeling around, I once again had to chug water, slam cups on the ground and eat orange quarters, throwing the rinds down.
At this point I was exhausted but still had the 'run' ahead of me! I was running around like a weirdo and ended it with more water, oranges and power gel applesauce! I had a total Chariots of Fire moment!!!

The kids loved it which makes it totally worth it. I even had one of the 1st graders tell me how funny I was! What is really sad is the fact that after my brief physical activity, I am super sore!!
Do any of you use the 252 basics in your church program??? Are there any other triathletes out there??
Do any of you use the 252 basics in your church program??? Are there any other triathletes out there??
After church I love to relax. My Sunday guilty pleasure is Downton Abbey!!!

I look forward to Sunday nights at 9 on PBS to see what is going to happen in the lives of the Crawley's. Historical Fiction is my favorite genre and I love learning about what life was like in other time periods. I am so caught up with Mary and Matthew's new marriage, Sybil and Tom's pregnancy, and Edith being left at the alter. Oh to live in a castle surrounded by maids and waiters! What a life! Is it sad that I watch the rerun episode at 8, even though I have already seen it! I can't get enough! Are any of you obsessed with Downton Abbey?
Lastly, thanks to all who entered my Weather Lapbook giveaway. Congrats to Cherie Mae Ong! I have sent your prize.
Monday's on its way, what are your Sunday favs?

I have just discovered Downton Abbey! I'm watching it in the afternoons via Netflix while I grade papers at school! :)
ReplyDeleteLove your Sunday fun!
Third Grade Bookworm
OK laughing out loud! What I wouldn't pay to have a video (we know there's one out there...). That bike is the bomb! I'm sure you were a HUGE hit with the kiddos. Way to take one for the team!
ReplyDelete~Christy & Tammy
Fluttering Through First Grade