Well today was my first day back from break and I was fully expecting all out craziness from the kiddos and sleepy spells from myself. Guess what happened?!?!?!??! None of the above! My kids were, wait for it....PERFECT! I couldn't believe how good they were knowing that they had been without structure for so long. I will admit that I didn't exactly show my alarm clock love this morning, but after finally getting going, the day was pretty good.
The highlight of my day was getting an email surprise form Amanda from
One Extra Degree I had won her giveaway and commented on how I loved another of her units and what did that sweet darling do, but send me that one too!!! I was giddy all day telling all my colleagues about it. She has the most adorable and functional units. Make sure you check her out, especially if you are looking to get into the Reading and Writing Workshop.

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Twins, Teaching and Tacos