Today was one of those days when I felt as though I wasn't adequate as a teacher. I know it sounds crazy, but we all feel like that at some point, right????? I proceeded to have a big ol' pitty party for myself and drive myself crazy about how I felt that my kids weren't learning enough and that I wasn't doing enough to ensure they were successful. I have super high expectations for my students, and
hold myself to unrealistic expectations am really hard on myself when they don't meet them.
My awesome teammate, Erica, spent her afternoon making me feel better by telling me all kinds of nice things about my teaching and how she knew I was the reading guru. It would have been so easy for her to jump on the bashing train with me. (I wasn't exactly being very nice with my rant!) I am so blessed to have her in my life, she definitely keeps me focused on what's important, my kids and God.
I got home and was able to see my beautiful roses that my hubby and girls got me for Valentine's day, which made me begin to forget the day and then played with my adorable girls in their play room.
We went out to dinner last night and someone gave each of the girls a balloon. It was their first one and they LOVED it!
Kenley and her balloon |
Raegan and her balloon
I also had small group at church tonight and boy did I need it! I couldn't wait to hear what God had to say to me about what had happened to me today at school. Boy did He show up in a BIG way! I am doing the study called
Life Interruption by Priscilla Shirer and being a teacher, mother, and wife is an interruption in itself. I was reminded that interruptions are more like divine interventions rather than interruptions. I loved the idea of that! The idea that resonated with me the most was 'The interrupted life is the cure for the search for significance'. This really put my pity party into perspective!!!
On top of all that, my hubby went out to Walmart when I got home from group to get our girls some milk and ended up picking up the new Twilight!!!!! I am so loved!!!
Hope you guys are having a great week!!!!!
I know how ya feel girl! Stressed out is my middle name :( I know you are an awesome teacher and doing all you can to ensure your kids are successful. If you weren't, you wouldn't feel guilty for thinking you're not! :) Hang in there!!
Following Optimism in 2nd Grade
Your roses are very pretty. Sounds like you have a pretty amazing hubby. I hope you have a great rest of your week!