My kids are in the middle of this awesome Titanic unit I created for our social studies unit about people changing over time. They can't get enough resource books on this subject! I couldn't be more thrilled at their excitement, as history is one of my favorite things to learn about. To start off this unit I gave each of my kids an actual passenger from one of the three classes. They have totally taken on these characters' persona! Everyday when it gets close to Titanic time, they begin to get into character. Here are the character cards I made for the first class passengers.
I created a lapbook for my kiddos to use during this unit. They glued their passenger card down and there is a place for them to check if they survived or perished at the end of the unit. How exciting!!!!!
One of my kids has the first-class passenger Isador Straus. He was certain that because he was a first-class passenger and co-owner of Macy's, he would survive. Another student was reading a fact book about the Titanic and saw Mr. Straus' picture and a caption reading something along the lines, 'Mr. Straus died with his wife aboard the Titanic.' When my student read this, his face was priceless!!! He kept saying over and over again, "I died! I died! I can't believe I died!" What makes it better is that my principal is his wife Ida and she is TOTALLY playing up the part coming in everyday during our Titanic lesson sitting by her "hubby". I will put my lapbook on TpT once its complete. Here's a preview of what I've got so far!
We hit the BIG one tomorrow and I have a feeling I'm going to have lots of kids who are distraught at the idea of their passenger not making it onto the Carpathia. Thursday is our Titanic day complete with lots of activities for the kiddos to complete in the different classes. Check back to see pics from that!!!! Watch out for the Iceburgs this week!

I LOVE this unit! You are so creative! I need to get some inspiration and start creating awesome stuff like this for my class!! :)